A question asked on the Unmarried Thread on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/UnMarried-Movie/268337246621326?fref=ts
Good stuff all over that page. Check it out & follow it if you have an FB account :) We enjoy most of the discussions.
*The reason I posted that above is because of an article I was reading had this bit of info below.*
"10 Brutally Honest Reasons People Aren't Getting Married."
1. Skepticism About Love & Marriage

2. Lack of Faith in Gods Provision
"I'm not sure if I have a soul mate."
3. Unresolved Issues From the Past
"I always seem to attract unhealthy people."
4. Confusion About the Rules
"I don't even know how to date/court have a relationship" ect...
5. A Poor Understanding of the Purpose of Marriage
"I think being single may be an easier way to live."

6. Fear of Getting Hurt
"I don't want to be hurt again."
7. Wanting a Perfect Mate
"I'm not a perfectionist; I'm just picky."
8. Not Dealing with Prior Heartbreak
"I don't want to feel the pain."
9. An Unbalanced Focus on Career
"I want to be established before I get married."
10. Concern That a Marriage Will Fail
"I don't want to get divorced."
1. Any of these validated above?
2. With which do you think is an invalid response?
3. Is this true for the Christian community as well?
4. Should Christians be worried about any of these listed or have that mindset?
This is very interesting :) I have said in my mind at *least* one or two of those above. I definitely think Christians believe these almost as/just as much as unbelievers. Thanks always, Patrizia! You're so wonderful to do this.